Auto-Graphics, Inc. has partnered with Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD) to provide enhanced catalog enrichments for VERSO customers that are subscribed to this service. The partnership was initially established when Harrison County Library System (MS) contacted Auto-Graphics in search of a solution for creating consistent MARC record data for their children’s collection.

When examining the challenge of standardizing Reading Program information for HCLS’s MARC records,  Auto-Graphics determined the best approach to be an integration of CLCD’s robust database. The integration of this data provides accurate reading levels, book reviews, awards, and recommendations for HCLS’s children’s collection. By using this method rather than manually updating the MARC records, A-G was able to provide comprehensive title information for each record in HCLS’s collection efficiently and at a much lower cost. Please read the full Case Study on the Auto-Graphics’ website for full details regarding the project.

The additional information displayed for each title may include Recommended Age, Lexile, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts, Awards & Honors, Reviews, and a “Books Like This” carousel for titles in a library’s collection that are also found in CLCD’s collection. Recommended Age, Lexile, Accelerated Reader, Reading Counts, and the “Books Like This” carousel are interactive elements that allow users to click through to find related titles in the catalog enhancing discovery of additional, relevant juvenile and young adult materials.

By working directly with CLCD, libraries using VERSO for their ILS will have seamless integration of the comprehensive information available. This integration will also streamline library workflows and enable librarians and educators to efficiently manage their collections, make informed purchasing decisions, and enhance cataloging and classification processes. For more information or to add CLCD content to your VERSO subscription, please contact Auto-Graphics at (800) 776-6939 or